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Manual Installation

The releases on GitHub are built from its source code.

The application is packaged as an .msix file. Windows will only install a package that has been signed. The version published in the Microsoft Store is signed with a Microsoft certificate as it has been through a verification process.

The version on Github uses a self-signing certificate that needs to be installed first before the application is installed.

The script Install.ps1 installs the certificate and then installs the .msix package.


  1. Download the latest release artifacts from the Releases page
  2. Extract the files to a folder and navigate to \internals-viewer-msix-platform\artifacts\msix-package-platform\InternalsViewer.UI.App_version\
  3. Run powershell -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File Install.ps1
  • You will be prompted to install the certificate. Accept prompts to continue.